Today’s The Day!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend with moving in, sorority bid day, and also this rain on again rain off again weather. Today is our Welcome Back Cookout! Hopefully the weather will hold out so we can have dinner outside in the Stern Center Garden (behind Stern Center on George Street). If you want to walk over with a group, meet Elana Malkin and Jordan Roth at CVS on the corner of George Street and St. Phillip Street at 5:45 PM. Dinner is from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. There will be *kosher* hamburgers, hotdogs, and even vegetarian options. This will give you a good meal before everyone has their first day tomorrow! Scary enough, tomorrow will be my last first day ever. So weird!? 

Tomorrow, there will also be a drop-in free Starbucks period we like to call Java for Jews. It will be from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the Starbucks on King Street (near Beaufain Street). If you are not sure where that is, there will be a walking group leaving from the Jewish Studies Center (on Wentworth Street and Glebe Street) at 3:50 PM and also 4:15 PM. Unfortunately, this event is for Freshmen only so they can mix, mingle, and schmooze! 

Wednesday night at 6:00 PM will be our first Meet to Eat of the year! Come to the Jewish Studies Center for some free food and good company. 

Thursday evening (time TBA) Carly, Naomi, and myself will be taking a nice, long walk to the Battery and Waterfront Park. We will be leaving from the Jewish Studies Center and again, the time is still in the works but probably will be early evening. 

Friday night, our week will conclude with our first Shabbat service and meal. Services are student led and begin at 5:45 PM with dinner to be served at 6:30 PM. 

I am looking forward to seeing everyone hopefully tonight and at other events this week! If you need anything, feel free to check the blog or our Facebook page

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